

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor lawrencemuthii597.


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34 artículos


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You perhaps get bored reading alot of junk in books on things that will probably never come in the exam. I have the best deal for you struglle no more the following books will get you through

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  •  • 2 artículos • 
  • por lawrencemuthii597 • 
  • subido  31-01-2024
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Pysiology of the kidney and electrolytes.

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The kidney is surrounded by a thin t011gh fibrous capsule which limits its distension, and it consists of 2 distinct zones (left kidney in figure 1 ) : ( I ) An outer cortex : This appears red because it is richly-supplied with blood, and gmnular because it contains the renal glomeruli (see below). (l) An inner medHIIa : This is paler than the cortex because it is poorlysupplied with blood, and is striated because it contains the loops of Henle . and collecting ducts (see below). It is fo...

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  •  Package deal
  • Notas de lectura
  •  • 100 páginas • 
  • por lawrencemuthii597 • 
  • subido  21-12-2023
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