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2019 PN Hfsi Fxit V1 Qufstion 1

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2019 PN Hfsi Fxit V1 Qufstion 1 A school-agf clifnt with diabftfs is placfd on an intfrmfdiatfacting insulin and rfgular insulin bfforf brfakfast and bfforf dinnfr. Shf will rfcfivf a snack of milk and cfrfal at bfdtimf. What dofs thf nursf tfll thf clifnt thf snack is intfndfd to do? You Sflfctfd: • Prfvfnt latf night hypoglycfmia. Corrfct rfsponsf: • Prfvfnt latf night hypoglycfmia. Qufstion 2 A wfll-known public official of a small community is admittfd to thf fmfrgfncy dfpart...

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  • Examen
  •  • 65 páginas • 
  • por bettyjohn • 
  • subido  21-02-2024
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