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Everything you need to know about the GMAT

Taking a GMAT exam may sound simple, but there are quite a few things you need to know before you take the exam. After all, preparation is key, especially when it comes to such an important test. In this blog we will tell you everything about the costs of a GMAT exam, test dates, GMAT sections, scores and the waiver option!

What does the GMAT cost?

Unfortunately (for you) the GMAT test costs money. It’ll cost you $250 and that includes 5 programs of your choice that you can send your score report to. If you want to avoid redoing the GMAT and pay double, it’s also important to choose the right time to take the test.

Why test dates matter

Your test date highly depends on which school you are going to apply for. You might want to keep in mind that the deadline for applications is very different from the start date. Usually you will need to apply way in advance, because not only do schools have deadlines, the program can also reach its maximum capacity. And if that happens, well, you know… you’re screwed and you’ll need to wait till next year.

Not only your milk carton has an expiry date, your GMAT score does too. Generally speaking, your score is valid for 5 years. But some universities want your score to not be older than 1 year. For this reason it’s essential to plan your GMAT test date well.

The GMAT sections

Let’s talk about the actual exam. During the GMAT you will be tested on four main sections: Verbal, Quantitative, Integrated Reasoning and an Analytical Writing assessment. Those sections are subdivided into different question types such as Data Sufficiency, Problem Solving etc. On this website you will be able to find the GMAT score chart and an easy overview of the different question types.

How to use the GMAT score chart

Did you know that the sections don’t contribute equally to your total score? The Quant section weighs heavier and a higher score on that part can also be important to certain schools. If you already took the GMAT and you didn’t manage to get a good Quantitative score, it might be worth retaking the exam. At some schools it’s possible to submit multiple test scores. In this way you can show the institution you’re applying for that you can score high on all fronts. Read more about the GMAT score chart and how to use it in our blog.

The GMAT waiver option

Does the word GMAT give you a panic attack? Good news, because you might qualify for a GMAT waiver! Some people are just not made for exams like the GMAT. They would rather show that they’re suited for the program they’re applying for in a different way. If you are one of those people, your options are not as limited as they used to be. It’s an increasing trend within business schools to accept people that don’t provide a GMAT or GRE score by offering them a GMAT waiver instead. After all, they don’t want to lose bright people simply because they are intimidated by the entrance exam.

GMAT waivers are generally granted to people that have obtained work experience, degrees or other relevant achievements. Another way of showing you have enough academic proficiency and quantitative ability is your previous coursework. Admission officials will decide if your GPA is sufficient, but they will also look at the individual courses you have taken. The grades of those courses also highly matter, so definitely don’t sit back and relax if your GPA is already high enough.

Are you looking for GMAT summaries, notes or guides? Head over to our seller’s GMAT collection and study the night away!